How to Boost your Well-being and Maintain your Motivation whilst Working from Home

How things all around the world have changed in the last couple of weeks! These days, most of us are confined to our homes, taking our work home with us if we’re lucky enough to still have a job! Home means something different to all of us, and it’s by no means a safe place […]
Building a Connection to Nature through our Interiors

Last week, the BBC published an article discussing how we are all missing out on a daily dose of nature. The writer referred to a study published by the National Trust with the University of Derby, which suggested “that being connected with nature – noticing natural phenomenon every day – is linked to higher well-being.” […]
What does Biophilic Design have to do with Wellness?

These days, we humans are increasingly spending up to 90% of our lives indoors. Today’s urban landscape and our growing dependency on technology are increasingly disconnecting us from the nature that used to be part of our everyday lives. Stress, anxiety and depression are very real, modern day afflictions.
9 Designer New Year’s Resolutions You Need to Adopt

Happy 2020 to you all! I hope that you’ve had a good and restorative holiday season, and are ready to tackle this new century head on! Whilst 2020 is still shiny and new, I thought I’d share with you some design resolutions that you can adopt in 2020 to make a positive chance to your […]
How to use Colour to Set the Mood in your Home – Part 1

A large part of designing a home for well-being involves thinking about how we want our spaces to FEEL! What sort of behaviours do you want to see in each room? Do you want your living room to be a space where social conversations are held, or is it somewhere to watch TV? In your […]
Sustainability and Well-being

Sustainability is another hot topic these days, and I think it’s probably fair to say that we are all choosing to be more sustainable in our day-to-day lives. However, how do we extend that sustainable mind-set to an interior design project, where quite often we just want to get rid of the old, and bring […]
Does Your Home Bring You Joy?

When you think about your home, does it make you smile? Does your home inspire you; fill you with energy and creativity? And how can tangible things create an intangible feeling of joy anyway? Research has shown that there are certain properties that define the way an object looks and feels that give rise to […]
How Do Our Homes Affect Our Mental Health?

Yesterday was World Mental Health Day, so I thought I would spend some time on today’s blog post looking at the affect that our homes can have on our mental health. With humans increasingly spending up to 90% of their lives indoors, there is a growing body of scientific evidence showing that how we design […]