Designing for Introvert vs. Extrovert Personality Types

I am used to spending quite a lot of my days alone, with my husband out at work, and me quietly working away in my business. However, spending the majority of time during lockdown under the same roof as my husband has highlighted to me our different personality types. I am very much an ambivert. […]
Building a Connection to Nature through our Interiors

Last week, the BBC published an article discussing how we are all missing out on a daily dose of nature. The writer referred to a study published by the National Trust with the University of Derby, which suggested “that being connected with nature – noticing natural phenomenon every day – is linked to higher well-being.” […]
How to use Colour to Set the Mood in your Home – Part 1

A large part of designing a home for well-being involves thinking about how we want our spaces to FEEL! What sort of behaviours do you want to see in each room? Do you want your living room to be a space where social conversations are held, or is it somewhere to watch TV? In your […]
How Do Our Homes Affect Our Mental Health?

Yesterday was World Mental Health Day, so I thought I would spend some time on today’s blog post looking at the affect that our homes can have on our mental health. With humans increasingly spending up to 90% of their lives indoors, there is a growing body of scientific evidence showing that how we design […]