Maintaining Your Wellness Through Yet Another Lockdown

Maintaining Wellness Through Lockdown

So, 2021 is here!  After a lovely Christmas with my family in Ireland (following a period in quarantine in a portacabin on my sister’s farm, and a negative Covid test), it was back to London and the New Year with a bump.  So here we are, in yet another lockdown.  How are you all doing?  […]

Biophilia is Important, but Don’t Overlook Adding Joy!

Don't Overlook Adding Joy!

In my last blog post I talked about the importance of Biophilic Design – adding that connection to nature to our interior spaces.  But so often, when I see examples of biophilic spaces, it is a sea of natural wood and indoor plants.  What is missing for me is those elements of joy. When I […]

Why is Biophilic Design so Important?

Why Is Biophilic Design So Important

Since the beginning of human evolution, we have been connected to the natural world, observing the changing seasons, learning what foods grow when, and when we can celebrate earth’s bounty, or when we need to build up reserves for the leaner seasons. The term Biophilia refers to our innate biological connection with nature.  It helps […]

Is Your Home a Happy Home?

Is Your Home a Happy Home

My front door is yellow.  I chose this colour because it’s a colour that says happy and optimistic and that’s the vibe that I want for my home so why not start with the front door! If this COVID-19 outbreak has taught us one thing, it is the importance of home!  Last year The Happiness […]

Building a Connection to Nature through our Interiors

Building a connection to nature

Last week, the BBC published an article discussing how we are all missing out on a daily dose of nature.  The writer referred to a study published by the National Trust with the University of Derby, which suggested “that being connected with nature – noticing natural phenomenon every day – is linked to higher well-being.” […]

What does Biophilic Design have to do with Wellness?


These days, we humans are increasingly spending up to 90% of our lives indoors. Today’s urban landscape and our growing dependency on technology are increasingly disconnecting us from the nature that used to be part of our everyday lives. Stress, anxiety and depression are very real, modern day afflictions.

Sustainability and Well-being


Sustainability is another hot topic these days, and I think it’s probably fair to say that we are all choosing to be more sustainable in our day-to-day lives.  However, how do we extend that sustainable mind-set to an interior design project, where quite often we just want to get rid of the old, and bring […]

Is there more to biophilic design than simply adding pot plants?


Biophilic design is increasingly becoming the buzz word of the moment, but what exactly is it?  The term Biophilia refers to our innate biological connection with nature.  It helps explain why crackling fires and crashing waves captivate us; why a garden view can enhance our creativity; why shadows instil fascination and fear; and why animal […]